POLICY: Monthly Site Safety Meetings

PURPOSE: To educate and discuss jobsite safety concerns and issues.

RESPONSIBILITY: The Superintendent


1. The meetings will be conducted monthly on a day and time selected by the Superintendent. The exact locations on the site will also be designated by the Superintendent.

2. All site personnel are required to attend. This includes subcontractor employees.

3. The Safety Topic document will be distributed in English and Spanish prior to the meeting for use during the meeting.

4. The Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent designated by the Superintendent will conduct the meeting. Horseplay or talking during the meeting will not be tolerated.

5. The following format will be strictly followed while conducting the meeting:

  • The Monthly Safety Meeting outline will be read.
  • Employee safety recommendations should be solicited and noted on the Safety Meeting outline form.

NOTE: Care should be taken to resolve employee problems with results discussed in the next meeting.

  • Monthly Jobsite Safety Inspection Reports should be discussed as necessary to review unsafe conditions encountered during inspections and resolutions required.

6. A meeting attendee sign in list will be circulated and attached to the Safety Meeting outline.

7. The outline with attachments will be saved in the Procore Documents Safety folder.

8. The meeting should be well organized and structured exactly as outlined above. The duration should be no more than 15 minutes.

9. Monthly safety topics (English and Spanish versions) can be found in the Procore Documents Safety Folder.


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