POLICY: Path to Certificate of Occupancy
PURPOSE: Establish a written process of required steps to attain Certificate of Occupancy for each building.
RESPONSIBILITY: Superintendent
PROCEDURE: The following items shall be completed in order to attain building Certificate of Occupancy:
- Landscaping, asphalt, and striping complete
- Building and unit signage installed
- Planning and zoning inspection
- Fire alarm and sprinkler certifications
- Elevator certification
- Elevator and fire alarm monitoring in place
- MEP Inspection Final
- Fire Marshall Final Inspection
- Building Inspector Final Inspection
Additionally, no later than achievement of permanent power, Superintendent shall coordinate meeting with local jurisdiction having authority (AHJ) to clearly understand any and all jurisdictional requirements necessary to attain building Certificate of Occupancy above and beyond the items listed above. Should any other inspections and/or actions be required by Carter and Carter or the Owner, the Superintendent shall notify the project team in writing.
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