POLICY: Daily Clean Up
PURPOSE: To ensure a safe working environment for all persons employed and/or visiting a Carter & Carter Construction jobsite and to improve efficiency through discipline and organization.
RESPONSIBILITY: The Superintendent
PROCEDURE: Carter & Carter Construction will not tolerate a failure by its subcontractors or employees related to daily clean up. To ensure total compliance, the following shall be followed:
1. The clean up strategy devised while the estimate is being assembled will specifically address the following:
Removal of debris:
- Trash chutes (if necessary)
- Dumpsters (location and number)
- Temporary roads required
- Hoist requirements and uses
- Trash buggy needs/purchases
- Temporary labor
2. During the buyout phase, the following shall be specifically addressed regarding each subcontractor’s responsibility:
- Sweeping floors – daily in work areas
- Daily removal of debris
- Coordinated use of elevators, cranes or hoists
3. During construction, the Superintendent shall monitor clean up daily to ensure total compliance.
4. In the event the Subcontractor or its employees fail to clean the site area, a 24-hour notice will be issued. If the site is still not in compliance after the issuance of the notice, the Subcontractor will be back charged for clean up performed by others.
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