POLICY: Estimating & Job Number/Cost Code

PURPOSE: To ensure continuity in the issuance of estimate numbers, job numbers, and cost codes.

RESPONSIBILITY: Estimator in Charge


Job numbers, estimate numbers, and cost codes shall be assigned by the Estimator in Charge. The following applies:


1. The estimate & job number will be the same and will consist of four (4) digits that are separated by a dash. The first two digits will be the year the project estimate begins. The second two numbers will be in the chronological number the particular project falls as it relates to previously estimated projects for the year.

Example: 08-02

This project was estimated in 2008, and was the second project estimated.

2. All expenditures made on a project in the estimating phase shall be approved by the Estimator in Charge.


1. Five (5) digit codes included in the Carter & Carter database will be used and will accompany each line item description in both the estimate and the cost report. The code number and letter is described as follows:

Example: 02-220

02 The division number of the specifications.
220 Specific item code from CSI MasterFormat.

2. The following are cost type letters that can be found and used within the Timberline estimate and cost report:

L – Only to be used in conjunction with Carter & Carter direct labor.

M – Only to be used in conjunction with materials purchased through formal vendor Purchase Orders.

S – Only to be used in conjunction with subcontractor line items.

O – To be used for miscellaneous purchases that do not require formal agreements as set forth O.P.M.-10, O.P.M.-20, or O.P.M.-30.

E – Reserved for special use. Estimating will provide direction when electing to use E.

3. Cost codes will be maintained within the Estimating Department. New cost codes will be added to the Master Code List after approval by the Chief Estimator.


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